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26 septembre 2008 5 26 /09 /septembre /2008 07:06

My prefered Italian lake  : laggo maggiore !

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24 septembre 2008 3 24 /09 /septembre /2008 07:22

Don't forget :
If one day, you have no toothpaste,
don't even think to use soap... !

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22 septembre 2008 1 22 /09 /septembre /2008 07:11

Et voilà pour Amsterdam...
Pas de photo du Rijks Museum (mais je dirais que c'est un incontournable : les tableaux de Vermeer à eux seuls valent le déplacement !), ni du TropenMuseum (très intéressant, très varié, prévoir une après-midi complète !), ni du diamantaire visité (on se demande bien pourquoi ;) ... Très intéressant aussi, de savoir sur quels critères se base le prix d'un diam's ! poids, couleur, défauts, et art de la taille).

The places I love :
- Singel Centrum (and the cafe Van Zuylen) : great for breakfast on aperitif at the terrace...
- The district around the house of the three canals, with the great "cafe Crea" and the restaurant Kapitein Zeppos, in the small street Gebed Zonder.
- the old Brown Cafe Hoppe, at Spui Square

 Here is the end of the travel book about Amsterdam...
I didn't talk about the Rijks Museum (but you should see those Vermer paints !!), neither about the TropenMuseum (very interesting, but so many things to see inside !), neither about the diamants factory (also very interesting to learn why a diamant is valuable, according to its weight, its color, how it is flawless, and the way it had been cut).

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20 septembre 2008 6 20 /09 /septembre /2008 06:49
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19 septembre 2008 5 19 /09 /septembre /2008 07:40

Cliché 1 :
In the red district, there are prostitutes behind windows... That's true, but sometimes in unexpected streets too !

Cliché 2 :
What you eat in Amsterdam is not good... Especialy croquettes... meat or fish, you can't say !
And any restaurant cooks "the best pancakes in town"... !

Cliché 3 :
there are bikes everywhere...

Cliché 4 :
you can find drugs as you can find bread in France.

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18 septembre 2008 4 18 /09 /septembre /2008 07:36

This boat sank in 1628. It belonged to VOC, the Orient India Compagny.

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17 septembre 2008 3 17 /09 /septembre /2008 07:11

Smurfs in Dutch is really scary !!

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16 septembre 2008 2 16 /09 /septembre /2008 07:07

In the XVth Century, taxes depended on the width of the front of houses... That's why fronts are so thin...
And on the front tops, you can see "pignons à redans", which are still used when people move to carry heavy loads.

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15 septembre 2008 1 15 /09 /septembre /2008 07:18

Pour une capitale, les transports en commun sont très "manuels", alors faut pas toujours chercher à comprendre, entre les règles bizarres et les erreurs humaines... !

So, they use two cases for one trip... well, not on this one. And this is the beginning time of the trip... well, on this one, it's the end... And this is the number of the week... or not !
For such a big town, public transport is using manual punching... not very simple to understand, because of the strange rules and human errors...

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12 septembre 2008 5 12 /09 /septembre /2008 07:02

Very convenient those crooked fronts when drawing...

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